terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010

Exploring taste buds

Human adults have approximately 10 thousand taste buds; rabbits, 17 thousand; parrots only 400; and cows, 25 thousand. Taste buds die and are renovated every week or every ten days. After age 45, they are renewed with reduced intensity, which explains not only why our taste loses its sharpness but also why we miss the delicious and incomparable taste of the treats of our youth. With the tip of our tongue we taste sweets; bitter with the back; sour with the sides, and salty all over the tongue, particularly the frontal portion.

Prepare Your Loved One’s Favorite Dishes

Diet is not necessarily synonymous to bland or bleached food. Even the strictest diet can be attractive to the eye and pleasing to the sense of taste. This made me think of the great Catalan chef, Ferran Adriá, who has a refined food studies center in his culinary school.
Part of his income is devoted to researching menus for people with eating restrictions, and he champions the need to make patients happy through the pleasures of good cuisine. Even if they are on a strict diet.


The taste buds can be seduced by the colors, shapes, textures, temperatures and aromas of ingredients like the red of strawberries, the sweet perfume of melon, the pungent taste of ginger, the chilliness of sorbet.

Decorate dishes, add a lot of color. Create funny faces, bunnies, and flowers for children.
For adults, write a message like “I love you” with green beans, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, whatever your imagination tells you.

Keep in mind the important contribution of nutritionists and specialists in diets for people with diabetes, cancer, uric acid, gluten intolerance as well as reading materials that provide suggestions on foods that help prevent or cure inflammatory processes.

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